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Electronic invoicing: what it is and how it can help your business

March 30, 2023
reading minutes

What is electronic invoicing? There's been a lot of talk about e-invoicing lately, but few people really understand what it is/what it is in the absence of clear information.

Contrary to common misconception, an electronic invoice (also called an e-invoice or e-invoice) is not a PDF invoice that simply circulates in an electronic medium such as email. We are talking about a file issued exclusively in electronic format, designed at EU level to facilitate trade between Member States, so that any company in any EU country can send an invoice immediately to another company in another EU country, removing software or language barriers.

At the moment, the e-invoice regime has been regulated at EU level by Directive 55/2014 for the intra-Community exchange of goods and services (B2G - Business to Government), and public institutions are starting to accept e-invoices from their suppliers, not only in PDF or physical format.

In some countries, this type of invoicing is already mandatory, other formats are no longer accepted. In others, such as Italy, the same rule applies to business-to-business (B2B) exchanges. In this context, the expectation is that e-invoicing will soon become mandatory in all European countries and beyond.

Electronic invoicing in Romania

In Romania there is also a law on the use of electronic invoices in B2G exchanges (Law no. 199/2020), which was finalized by GEO 120/2021, sent by Order issued by the President of ANAF no.1713/2021 and Order issued by the Minister of Finance no.1365/2021. In this way, electronic invoices created in Romania will comply with the format and structure of the European standard. European Directive No 55/2014 and the SR EN 1693-1 standard require an .xml file (UBL 2.1)

Although from 1 April 2022, E-invoices will only be an option for entrepreneurs, from 1 July E-invoices will become mandatory for certain categories of products such as vegetables, fruit, alcoholic beverages, new constructions, mineral products (natural mineral water, sand and gravel), as well as clothing and footwear, as specified in GEO 130/2021.

Banqup - the solution already adapted to legal rules for Romanian entrepreneurs/entrepreneurs

"In addition to being able to quickly adapt their business to legal e-invoicing requirements, Banqup aims to provide entrepreneurs with an entire digital ecosystem for online collaboration with partners around the world. As Banqup is an international platform used by hundreds of thousands of companies around the world, it will allow electronic exchange of invoices between a company in Romania and another in France, for example. In addition, even payment between these two partner companies will be facilitated by Banqup. Just think how many benefits IT freelancers collaborating on projects in several countries around the world will be able to send invoices directly to Banqup", said Kaur Lohk, CEO Unifiedpost SEE.

Banqup is a multi-functional platform that also covers e-invoicing requirements and is used in similar e-invoicing projects in other countries such as Belgium, France, the Netherlands, Estonia and Serbia. The application provides a digital ecosystem to work through which invoices can be issued and paid efficiently by connecting with business partners or accountants. With an international presence, Banqup facilitates the transfer of documents between companies operating in different countries.

Banqup is a product of Unifiedpost Group, a leading international fintech company in Europe that aims at the independence of both accounting firms and banks.

Dedicated to entrepreneurs and small and medium sized companies, the platform is already adapted to the rules currently in force and allows the issuing and processing of e-invoices in the EU agreed format (UBL), which will also be used by Romania. The Banqup application is compatible and complies with the e-invoicing standard.

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