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Payment or collection order?

January 5, 2023
reading minutes

What is a payment provision?

A payment order is a document used by a company's cashier to make payments in cash. These can be represented by:

  • Advances approved for employee travel expenses;
  • Difference to be collected by the advance holder to justify amounts greater than
    the advance received;
  • Advances for the purchase of materials, raw materials, etc.

The elements necessary to make a payment provision:

  • Name of the unit;
  • Name of document: payment provision;
  • Number and date of the document;
  • Name, surname and position of the person returning the amount;
  • Purpose of payment (e.g. travel, purchase of materials, etc.);
  • Signatures: director of the unit, financial-accounting department and control visa
    financial preventive;
  • Additional data of the beneficiary of the amount: identity card, amount refunded (in figures
    and letters), date and signature;
  • Amount refunded (in figures and letters), date and cashier's signature.

What is a charging provision?

A collection slip is a document used by a company's cashier to collect cash
. It is used in situations where there are no other documents ordering
collection (e.g. notices or payment orders).

Also, this document cannot be used if the receipts represent income from
operating activities.

Minimum mandatory content for a charging provision:

  • Name of the unit;
  • Name of document: provision for collection;
  • Number and date of the document;
  • Name, surname and position of the person collecting the amount;
  • The purpose of the cashing (e.g. travel, purchase of materials, etc.);
  • Signatures: director of the unit, financial accounting department and preventive financial control visa;
  • Additional data of the beneficiary of the amount: identity card, amount received (in figures and letters), date and signature;
  • Cashier, amount cashed (in figures and letters), date and signature.

In what situations do we use these provisions?

Payment arrangement:

  • Return of cash credit by the company's administrator (on its behalf);
  • Payment of employees in cash (if the payslip cannot be used);
  • The return of a cash guarantee (if it has been retained by the manager);
  • Payment to a supplier if payment documents have been lost.

Collection provision:

  • Cash credit by the company's administrator (on its behalf);
  • Return of dividends (overpaid to an associate);
  • Recovery of damages caused by company employees;
  • Refund of advances not fully paid by returning employees.

Limitations on cash payments and receipts

These operations can be carried out by the following entities:

  • Legal entities / authorised individuals;
  • Sole proprietorships / family businesses;
  • Self-employed / self-employed individuals;
  • Partnerships / other entities with / without legal personality.

The daily ceiling for receipts/payments differs per person/entity:

Receipts by entities from other entities

  • 5,000 lei from one person (valid for the entities listed above);
  • 10,000 from an individual (valid for the entities listed above, by cash and carry stores).

Receipts by entities from individuals

  • 10,000 lei from one person.

Payments made by entities to other entities

  • 5,000 lei/person, but not more than a total ceiling of 10,000 lei/day;
  • 10.000 lei - valid for cash & carry shops;
  • 5.000 lei - valid for each person who received an advance for settlements.

Payments made by entities to individuals

  • 10,000 lei from one person.

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